Zachary David Productions Read online

Page 8

  “I’m sorry, Zach.”

  “Thank you. I like having you here.”

  “I like being here.”

  They were both beat and tired so after their heart to heart and the long emotional day, they went to their separate bedrooms. She wanted to be with him but couldn’t tell if he wanted her or needed to be alone. Before she committed to her room, she went in search of his iPhone and used it to call Priscilla. When it went to voicemail she almost gave up but a text popped up.

  Priscilla: What’s up?

  Cammie: It’s Cammie. I just wanted to make sure you’re ok.

  Priscilla: I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m not using if that helps.

  Cammie: I know but you looked kind of down and I just want to let you know I’m here.

  Priscilla: Not down, worried. I love Gage. I won’t leave him.

  Cammie: I get it.

  Priscilla: He needs me. I’m trying to help him rehab. Send up good thoughts when you think about me. I’ll need them.

  Cammie: Of course.

  Priscilla: BTW I’m having your backpack sent over.

  Cammie: Thx

  Cammie cleared the messages and sent up a prayer for her friend and for her friend’s lover. And Cammie did understand because she was in love herself. If Zach had needed help fighting addiction, she’d have been right by his side the entire ride.


  Chapter Ten

  The next week was a drippy one. As the ice began to thaw, so did their affection. Zach had wanted to go to her at night, but thought she needed some time to get over the developments with her friend and the bomb he’d dropped on her. Come to think of it, maybe the ménage admission was what had pushed her away. He should have kept his mouth shut. At least she was still here. As long as she was here, he could work on her.

  While she was outside cleaning the pool house, he was finalizing a shoot for later in the week. He’d be using a woman he’d interviewed last month, but who couldn’t start filming because she’d been on a cruise. On Friday he was scheduled to shoot promo stills and hopefully by the following Friday he’d have the video cut.

  “Thank you, Irma. We’ll see you Friday at eleven.”

  “Thank you, Mr. David.” She placed a very French kiss on each of his cheeks. Odd, given that she was German American.

  While he answered email he contemplated ways to get Cammie back into his bed. They hadn’t spoken of the glorious night they’d been together because every time they tried they’d been interrupted by telephones, Sawyer, Priscilla, Gage, and doorbells. The place had been a zoo.

  Sure he could wine and dine her but they needed to talk and talking was best done at home…after a nice thorough fucking…and during a long hot bath…or even a shower. Okay, he really needed to find her and see if her thoughts mirrored his own.

  He went in search of her and found her folding towels in the laundry room. She didn’t hear his approach because the dryer was currently running. He snuck up behind her and bent to place a kiss on her neck.

  She jumped a foot and slung her arm out, chopping him in the side. Her swing was heavy and knocked the wind from him on a gasp.

  Her hands covered her mouth as she watched him catch his breath. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry,” she mumbled.

  “I’m okay. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have.”

  “I was looking for you.” He tried to sound sexy, but it came out hoarse due to the recent injury to his diaphragm.

  “Oh good because I was looking for your laundry. There wasn’t any in the hamper.” She resumed folding of the towels.

  He was unable to damper his disappointment, “Oh.”

  “I can do a separate load for you.”


  “If you tell me where they are, I’ll go get them.”

  “Forget the clothes, Cammie.”

  She shrugged. “Fine.”

  “Have you thought about us at all since we…you know?” She stopped folding and turned toward him, looking him in the eye.

  “You know how they say guys think about sex every seven seconds?”

  “Yeah.” Although he’d argue that he could think about it even more.

  “Well, I’ve thought about it at least that much, if not more.” Her gray eyes sparked.

  Holy shit, was she ever the girl for him. He grasped her around the waist and lifted her to the countertop, settling himself between her legs. “Cammie, shit. Why haven’t you come to me?”

  “Why haven’t you come to me?”

  “That’s a valid question. For the record I was trying to be a gentleman and give you your space.”

  “I don’t want space from you.”

  “Tonight and every other, you’ll sleep in my bed.”

  “Yes. And can we also have sex here? Now?”

  He tore her sweatshirt off and she returned the action, clawing at his Henley. He heard threads being strained and a little torn, the sound and the act fanning his sexual arousal.

  She looked so cute propped up on the counter in her bra that he smiled at her. A smile she didn’t appreciate.

  Her fingers sank into his hair and she pulled him into her breast. She led their kiss this time, massaging his lips and then exploring with her tongue. His hands skimmed her warm skin and he inhaled her scent deep. She smelled of freshly laundered clothes and coconut.

  She had the most glorious breasts and he needed to be buried between them immediately.

  “Take off your bra,” he ordered. He would have done it, but he wanted to watch as they spilled out, escaping the confines of the bra cups. The sensual act of watching her nakedness come into view had him rock hard.

  He sucked her to hard points, until she was panting his name and reaching for his cock. He undid the hardware on his jeans and pulled his erection free, letting her take him in her palm. It felt indulgent to have her touch him. God how he’d ached for her all those nights since their first time. He’d jacked off to their memories every night and again each morning—something he vowed never to share with her.

  He kissed her deep, their tongues tangling deliciously. She wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into the kiss, her moans vibrating through him.

  He pulled her bottoms and panties off so that she was completely naked before him and then he pressed her gently down until she her back was on the counter. Grasping the backs of her thighs, he lifted her legs, pressing his erection between them. Her hands reached out to touch him, clutching at his shoulders, and he bent to kiss her long neck.

  “I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Even when I’m asleep you’re there.”

  “You dream about me?”

  “Mmmhmm,” he said around a moan.

  “Tell me about the dreams,” she panted.

  “They’re wet and then I wake hard as steel.”

  He pressed against her sex and her eyes slowly closed.

  “And do you take care of yourself then?”

  So he would end up scandalizing her yet again. Smiling he said, “I do and I come so hard.”

  Her eyes flashed open at him and he buried himself deeply inside of her. The days off would have readied her for his invasion and he needed it to be hard and deep. He tested her readiness by giving her a hard, quick thrust. He knew how to read a woman’s body and hers said more.

  He held her high on the back of the thigh and drove into to her over and over, her impatient cries filling the laundry room space. The heat from the dryer mixed with the heat from their bodies and both of them were covered in a luster of sweat. The hollow point of Cammie’s neck glistened with drops of moisture, enticing Zach to rub his lips there and taste her. Given her coconut body wash she was a tropical delight, moaning as his tongue danced across her skin and his hips pounded repeatedly.

  Her back arched and her cries grew louder. When her body tensed, Zach slid his fingers down between her legs and massaged to bring her the ultimate climax. Watching her fall apart was now h
is favorite thing in life. Her eyes closed and once she finished shuddering in his arms, a smile built slowly across her face. She sighed in delight.

  After watching her bliss-out, his release was slow, deep, and satisfying.

  When Cammie opened her eyes she had a cute blush across her cheeks. “I’m completely naked in the laundry room.”

  “Ironic isn’t it?”

  She giggled and he subconsciously made a mental note of that deep throaty sound that reminded him of melted caramel.

  “Oh, and the reason you can’t find my clothes is because I washed them myself.”

  They dressed, each content to move about rather lazily.

  “Why’d you wash them? That’s my job.”

  “You don’t have to wash my clothes, Cammie.”

  “But I like taking care of you.”

  He kissed her nose and rubbed the worry line from between her brows. “Okay, but only if you’re doing it out of love and not obligation to the job.”


  Had they just said I love you without actually saying it?

  Zach hoped they had.


  Chapter Eleven

  By Friday Cammie and Zach’s relationship had blossomed into a sex-a-thon that had her on the verge of a sexual coma. It had crossed her mind that she could probably go into a coma given the amount of times she’d orgasmed. But then she’d done a google search and found out that wasn’t possible.

  In the kitchen, Cammie loaded a tray with coffee, cream, and sugar. She took a spoon and two mugs from the dishwasher. It was a full-time job satisfying Zach’s caffeine addiction. She smiled, thinking the same could be said about his libido.

  He had a coffee pod system on his credenza but she knew he preferred the fresh-ground, pressed coffee. She found her balance with the tray and made the long journey to his studio.

  She set the tray on the floor in the hallway so that she was able to open the door. Carrying the tray, she froze at the scene before her.

  A woman—a gorgeous woman—exposed herself to Zach. Her backside was facing him and she bent at the waist, almost touching her toes. Her head was turned so that she looked into the camera from over her shoulder. She wore the highest heels and given her stance, all of her assets were exposed.

  “Now, position yourself on the chaise.”

  Cammie set the coffee tray on his desk.

  “Thanks, babe.” He squeezed her shoulder and sipped from the mug.

  Behind the camera he ordered the sexy brunette into provocative positions. When he touched her thigh to position her, Cammie felt the evil head of jealousy rise up from deep inside.

  She left without sharing coffee with him. It was something they did every day around eleven, but he’d been so focused on his subject that he’d not stopped to sip coffee with Cammie.

  Saddened by recent developments, Cammie decided to take a bubble bath.

  Submerged in a Mr. Bubble cocoon, Cammie decided that she didn’t like Zach photographing, filming, and touching nude women, especially in various stages of sexual satisfaction. Maybe she was being selfish. After all, she’d known exactly what he was when she met him. And yet, she didn’t know. Was he a porn producer? A director? A porn king? She tried hard to envision a future where they were together, but four years from now she’d be graduating college. Perhaps she’d be searching for a job. Did she really envision herself attached to a man who spent the majority of his day making porn?

  Once the bath water turned cool, she emerged and dried herself off with one of the plush designer towels she’d laundered. Heat bloomed in her chest at the memory of what they’d done in the laundry room.

  She enjoyed her time with Zach. To be fair he was solicitous of her needs and even her wants. He was a giving lover and she loved how he worked her over, tending to her needs before his own.

  Given how much she loved him already, she couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to break it off four years from now and the truth of it was, she didn’t want her boyfriend or husband to work in porn.

  She dressed in jeans and a white Oxford shirt, and then took a rest on the bed in his room.

  An hour later Zach joined her by climbing into bed and spooning her from behind.

  She tensed.

  “What’s wrong, Cammie?”

  How did he know and was she ready to talk about it?

  “Nothing.” It came out stuffy like she’d been crying—in fact she had.

  “When a woman says nothing, it means everything is wrong in her world.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  “It so does.” He tickled her sides and she squealed, turning onto her back. “If you tell me, I can fix it.”

  She was quiet while she contemplated the best way to approach such a delicate topic. She opted for raw honesty. “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  He was on his side, smiling down at her and unbuttoning her blouse. “That’s great because I’m already in love with you.”

  Oh God, he loved her. This was harder than she’d thought.

  “I didn’t like seeing you with that actress.”

  He chuckled. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

  “No, Zach.” She pushed herself up to lean against the headboard. “I mean it hurt me. Deeply.”

  His face went from playful sexy to angry sincerity in two heartbeats. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m sorry. Please don’t get upset. I just don’t want you looking at another woman’s secret parts.”

  “Secret parts? Irma’s been filmed so many times that her parts are nobody’s secret.”

  “This isn’t a joke to me.”

  “Does it look like I’m laughing? You touched her.”

  He looked incredulous. “No, I didn’t. I wouldn’t touch her with a three-inch thick rubber.”

  “You touched her upper thigh.”

  He thought for a moment and then frowned. “To position her for a picture.”

  “I didn’t like it.”

  “Look, Cammie…I’m going to film, photograph, and touch naked women. It’s the nature of my business, but you can rest assured I don’t look at any of them the way I look at you.”

  Hmm, this was a dilemma. She didn’t expect him to fix it right away, but she needed to know he’d take the steps to remedy the situation.

  “Is it a possibility that you could hire someone else to take photos and to film?”

  “What about editing?”


  “I spend more time editing than I do filming. Hours in fact.”

  He did have a point. “I mean the editing bothers me, but at least the women aren’t present for that. I would be happy just to get you away from real live women.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Cammie.” He sat on the edge of the bed, shaking his head and sighing. “You knew this is what I do. Why is it all of a sudden a concern for you?”

  “I didn’t know it was going to affect me until I saw you two together.”

  “Stop saying it like that. We weren’t together.” His fingers slid roughly threw his hair.

  He put on his boots and then treaded heavily from the room.

  That hadn’t gone as well as it could have.

  He loved her. She couldn’t believe he’d admitted to it. Her heart was breaking—she hated being the one to cause him anger, hurt, or even discomfort, but she’d had to tell him.

  * * *


  * * *

  What the hell was Cammie thinking? Surely she didn’t expect Zach to give up his business in order to date her. What a ridiculous and immature thought process. Hire someone to film. Next she’d have him out of the biz altogether. He’d have to set the precedent now.

  He was eight years older than her, surely he could spin this. He stopped into a store that sold jeweled pins. He purchased an alligator that dazzled with emerald skin and topaz eyes. He loved whimsical items and knew that Cammie did too.

  He stopped at Com
mander’s Palace to order their lunch—two crawfish grilled cheese on brioche and a slice of southern style pecan pie for Cammie.

  At home he found her in the living room watching television. Some insipid reality show. It was the first time he’d ever seen her show an interest in television at all—movies were her thing. He could tell by the streaks on her cheeks and her wet lashes that she’d spent the last hour crying.

  “Turn that off and follow me into the kitchen.”

  He gestured to the table and she positioned herself in a chair.


  She nodded.

  “How about a crawfish grilled cheese?”

  Again she nodded.

  “Cammie, I don’t want to argue with you.” He placed the sandwich on the plate in front of her. And then he put the alligator pin in her hand. “Do you trust me?”

  She looked up at him and blinked those big gray eyes at him. She nodded.

  “Please talk to me, babe.”

  “Of course I trust you, but I know you met Priscilla and Leslie while you were filming her for a video, so it is possible to connect romantically with the women you film.”

  Dumbfounded, Zach’s head shook. It was possible to connect with women everywhere. “If I make a commitment to you, I won’t break it. I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you. It wouldn’t matter if a goddess were standing naked before me because the only goddess I want to share myself with is you.”

  Her eyes filled with tears that didn’t fall, but instead disfigured her pupils. She fingered the gator pin and her thoughts couldn’t be deciphered, but he didn’t think they were happy ones.


  He’d given it his best shot. She admitted to trusting him and he’d told her for a second time that he loved her. If she didn’t accept his work then there’d be no future for them.

  She placed the pin on the table. “I can’t do it. I’ll always be unhappy about your work.”

  “But you came to me because of my work.”